
CAM 2023 Sponsored  by Stward Corporation

Last night, the Cámara Marítima de Panamá launch the cocktail for the CAM 2023 on the Annual Maritime Conference with the slogan “New Business Opportunities”

Stward Corp 20 years Anniversary

Stward Corporation 20 years of experience ⚓Stward We are seaman like you. 🔥

Academic cooperation with the Instituto Marina Mercante Istmeño

Recently, Stward Corporation signed an Academic and Technical Assistance agreement with the Instituto Marina Mercante Istmeño (Marine Merchant Institute) located in Canto del Llano, Veraguas province.   This agreement will allow to develop a program of Professional Practices and Interships for its students, among other things. Stward committed to the education of young Panamanians 👏🏾👏🏾

Closing contract with UMIP

Stward Corporation; has been associated  for more than a decade, in training the human resources from the first house of maritime superior studies in Panama. The commitment is reaffirmed with the signing of this agreement 📃⚓️

Dolphin Terminal in colors

Our terminal is dressed in colors In recent days our Terminal was dressed in colors…


Part of our commitment is to stay one step ahead with our staff and…