Agency and Logistics

Agency and Logistics

We offer services in the Atlantic and Pacific area around the Republic of Panama.


  •  We are a registered company available in reference to Panama Canal Transit vessels fronting representation.
  • Quotations and formalities in real time. 
  • Total or partial transit formalities.
  • Maritime Advisors in Panama Canal matters.


  • Full representation before and during vessel arriving Panama for crew changes.
  • OK to Board Visa. 
  • Embark / Disembark / Shore pass.
  • Vessel & Crew Filiation formalities / Filiation ID.
  • Transportation Airport – Vessel – Airport.
  • Hotels Reservations / Tickets.

We organize all port, maritime and general services requested during your ship’s call; including CTM (Cash to Master), supply of provisions, and so on.

We are under: 

  • Panama Maritime License. 
  • Panama Canal Registry. 
  • Migration Agreement for ships.
  • Panama National Secretariat of Energy
  • Panama Technical Board of Engineers and Architects.