Stward Editor

I Dared

At the closing of CAM 2023, recognition was given for the “I Dared” contest where our nominee Nany Galindo won second place 👏👏 Thanks to the Maritime Chamber of Panama for this initiative to highlight the value of women in the maritime industry. We are pleased and once again thank everyone who voted. Congratulations to […]

Entrega de Becas Stward 2023

At Stward Corporation, we are pleased to support maritime education in Panama. That is why during the CAM 2023 event, we awarded the “Stward Scholarships” to each of the 6 outstanding first-year students who participated in the competition. The following students were selected in the program: Each of them will have the opportunity to pursue […]

Día Internacional de la Mujer

CAM 2023 @‌camaramaritima to be held on March 7 and 8, will commemorate International Women’s Day. Women in the maritime industry who have dared to break down barriers by developing operational tasks that have traditionally been carried out by men will be recognized. Vote for our candidate Nany Galindo in the following link You go straight […]

Somos una compañía 100% panameña especialista en Servicios Marítimos, con 20 años de trayectoria en el mercado nacional e internacional.

In constant evolution,  we are positioned as a leading company in the maritime market, with a fleet of more than 20 vessels and more than 150 employees, highly trained and aligned to the organizational vision of providing a service with high standards of quality and safety, values that have been fundamental pillars in our operational […]

Reconocimiento a Ana Raquel Noemis Pérez Peralta primera estudiante seleccionada para la beca universitaria del Programa de "Becas STWARD"

STWARD CORPORATION In the time of these 20 years of service to the country, its board of directors has decided to support Panamanian education, awarding 6 full scholarships to first year students, at the Universidad Marítima Internacional de Panamá. We would like to take this opportunity to invite students to participate by filling out their application on our […]

Primera participante seleccionada del programa universitario "Becas Stward"

Last Monday was the graduation  of the students of the Instituto de Marina Mercante Istmeño. We had the pleasure of granting recognition to Ana Raquel Noemis Pérez Peralta, the first selected participant of the university program ” Becas Stward “. We invite students to apply on our website (until January 9) those who have already […]

CAM 2022 Patrocinado por Stward Corporation

La Cámara Marítima de Panamá presentó la noche de ayer el cóctel de lanzamiento CAM 2023 conferencia Anual Maritima con el Lema “Nuevas oportunidades de Negocios”.

Stward Corp 20 años Aniversario

Stward Corporation 20 years of experience ⚓Stward We are seaman like you. 🔥

Cooperación académica con el Instituto Marina Marcante Istmeño

Recientemente, Stward Corporation suscribió un acuerdo de Cooperación Académica y Asistencia Técnica con el Instituto de Marina Mercante Istmeño, localizado en el corregimiento de Canto del LLano, provincia de Veraguas. Este acuerdo permitirá desarrollar entre otras cosas un programa de Prácticas Profesionales y Pasantías para sus estudiantes.

Cierre de contrato con UMIP

Stward Corporation; por más de una década ha estado vinculada con la formación del recurso humano proveniente de la primera casa de estudios superiores marítimos de PANAMÁ.